Enterprise Schema
Schema: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
This is the mapping for Enterprise Schema attributes:
SCIM User | Fairjungle User | Read-Only | Note |
costCenter | costCenterId | When provided during creation or update, then one (and only one) cost center must already exist with that name. | |
manager.displayName | ✅ | ||
manager.value | managerId | 1. During creation or update, value can be either a fairjungle user id or a user email. When a user email is provided and user does not exists yet then a new user is created. 2. When returned by server, value is always fairjungle user id. |
A Read-Only attribute is returned by server but is ignored when client creates or updates a user.
Custom Mapping
Following enterprise attributes can be assigned to custom mappings:
SCIM User |
department |
division |
employeeNumber |
organization |